Frequently Asked Questions

CoMatrix gives you the opportunity to network with business people. Most of our members are owners of SME businesses, who are looking to connect and do business. We lay on regular networking meetings weekly at some fixed locations.
Is FREE. You don't have to pay any meeting fee.
MatrixPass is an identity to identify youself as a valid Matrixis to participate in any meeting across any MatrixCells in the valid MatrixCycle.
A MatrixPass cost RM250 per MatrixCycle (12 months). A MatrixPass includes one MatrixSkill. Paying for MatrixPass is optional. You are welcome to pay for MatrixPass as a support to the community and the hosting venue for providing the meeting facilities.
Increase your business exposure by getting listed in our Matrixis Listing.
You only need to sign up for one MatrixPass but you have an option to upgrade to multiple MatrixSkills.
MatrixSkill is the profession skill sets of the business you are going to be representing in your weekly meeting.
Cost for upgrading each MatrixSkill is RM80 and is subject for approval.
Attend the meeting frequently and get to know other matrixis more indepth. Identify the most suitable matrixis whom you can collaborate with or team up to engage business.
MatrixBadges are awarded recognition based on the contribution of a matrixis to the community.
You can get your MatrixBadges ranked up by introducing friends, completing projects initiated by each other or sharing experience to other matrixis who are seeking for help.
Different MatrixBadges will unlock different benefits. Such as free upgrade of MatrixSkill, extend MatrixPass period, Matrixis listing or redeem for advertisement space.
No cancellation, transfer or refund is possible once payment has been processed.
No, you don’t have to contribute any of your business profit to CoMatrix or any of the MatrixCells.