About Comatrix

Meaningful relationship helping steady business growth


Comatrix strives to promote a healthy and vibrant business environment and provide valuable business and community resources through various communities.


Opportunities for businesses to interact with each other, share ideas and collaborate together towards achieving bigger objectives that are difficult to be accomplished individually.

WHAT makes Comatrix different?

Comatrix is a true business networking community to connect business together. There is no same profession limit in the community. Our matrixis can attend ANY business newroking event in any of our MatrixCells. This unlocks so many great opportunities compared with other networks.

We believe that for a busines to growth healthyly, networking should not happen just in one specific networking group.

  • Business Transactions

    Deal Sealed

    1,835,600 myr

  • Projects

    Collaborative Delivery

    68 projects

We always welcome you

Giving you regular, consistent meetings, which are structured enough to be productive, but still relaxed, fun and friendly. Referrals are given out among matrixis willingly and it is not forced by any rules or regulations to ensure that they are genuine referrals.

  • Visit our meeting

  • Apply for Matrixis

  • Choose Your MatrixCell

  • Choose Your MatrixSkill

  • Get Approved MatrixPass

  • Earn Your MatrixBadge


Our main meeting location is located at IOI Boulevard Puchong


Saturday 7.00am - 8.30am

What do I bring?

As a visitor, please bring plenty of your business cards!



Unlock your MatrixPass today and start meeting other matrixis.

Apply MatrixPass


Define your business profession. Let people know what you do best.

Find out more


Level up your business by engaging, collaborating and teaming up with others.

How does it help?


Get yourself ranked up by participating in activities and contributing to helping others.

How to earn my badge?